Instruction for Authors
July 2024
"Politics Quarterly" journal (formerly published under the name of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences) is the oldest scientific-research quarterly of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Tehran, which is published four times a year (spring, summer, autumn and winter). The articles accepted for publication in this quarterly must not have been published in any other publication or sent to other publications at the same time. This quarterly does not accept scientific notes or short articles. The style of writing articles for the Quarterly has been updated; and acceptance of any article is subject to compliance with the principles of this policy.
Article identifier and letter of commitment: each article should be accompanied by a page giving the title of the article, the first name, surname and academic rank of the author(s), and the name and address of the institution where the author(s) work, telephone number, and e-mail address of the author(s). The pledge form is available on the journal's website ( This form requires the signature of the authors; signatures of others are not accepted.
Download the commitment file from here.
Download the Conflict-of-Interest file from here.
Important note: Receiving payment for the cost of initial review and the cost of final acceptance of articles: 3,000,000 rials for each article to be sent to the jury and after the approval of the article, another 3,000,000 rials for the printing of the article should be received from the respected authors (required to It should be noted that if the article is declared rejected by the respected reviewers, the initial amount of 3,000,000 rials will not be returned to the author.
Account number: 4001070103006825 in the name: Concentration of Dedicated Funds at the Central Bank
Deposit ID: 348070174140107000000002502202
Shaba ID: IR830100004001070103006825
The author of the correspondence is requested to scan the bank receipt after depositing the required amount and upload it as an attachment.
To pay the referee fee and publish the article, please use the link below and after entering your name, surname and country code, enter the amount and complete the payment.[subSubjectId]=16
How to submit an article
From the beginning of 2013, articles will be accepted as online submissions. The article should be prepared using the Policy Quarterly article preparation guide available on the website and uploaded to the website along with the completed commitment form. Articles that do not meet the format and standards of the Quarterly will be returned to the authors. To submit an article, please note the following points
User registration: Click on the "Author Registration" option on the right-hand side of the page. For university faculty members (Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors), the authors' academic rank and academic affiliation should be indicated when completing the profile. Once you have completed the information and received your user ID and password, you can submit your article.
User ID and Password: The User ID and Password are required to submit the article, so be sure to save the email sent to the system. The User ID is the author's email address.
How to upload an article to the system: To submit an article, click on the "Submit Article/Member Login" option, and after entering the system, enter the article as a file (Word) as the main text of the article and the author's details as the author's details. And upload the completed Commitment Form as the Commitment Form and the completed Conflict of Interest Form as the Conflict-of-Interest Form. Upload the file in Word format only. The name of the main file should be "English title of the article" and the name and details of the author or journal should not be included in the file title and text of the article. If the upload is correct and complete, the article will be placed in the "Articles under review" section (on the right-hand side of the user's page). Otherwise, the article will be placed in the "unfinished articles" section.
*When specifying the Quarterly, be careful not to use the name of another publication instead of "Politics Quarterly"*.
Initial review or expert summary: After submission, the article will be sent to the Quarterly's expert for an "initial review". It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to prepare the article according to the format available on the site, as well as to carefully read the "Author's Guide" page in order to correct possible problems; and it is impossible to note point by point the items requested by the expert for all submitted articles.
Very important note: the article is sent to the journal only once with a specific tracking code, so the corresponding author is requested to send the revised and modified article as a new article with a tracking code after receiving the comments from the reviewers. Do not send separately.
Important note: Do not send emails to the editor or members of the editorial board of the journal to follow up on the status of the article, and do not follow up personally or through respected faculty and students.
Common errors in articles submitted to the Quarterly
Review and decision process for articles submitted to the Policy Quarterly
After submitting the article and other necessary files to the Quarterly through the system, the article will be reviewed in the first stage by the Quarterly's expert group for compliance with the editorial guidelines.
After initial acceptance, in the second stage, the editor, the technical secretary and the scientific committee evaluate the article in terms of the quality of the content and the relevance of the topic.
After acceptance in the second stage, the article is sent to three referees. Peer review is anonymous, and authors and reviewers are unaware of each other's identities. The decision in the refereeing process is as follows:
Important final remarks for authors
All stages of receiving, evaluating, reviewing, accepting or rejecting and finally publishing articles will be done through the journal website.
The request for the acceptance certificate of the article will not be accepted before the final approval by the Editorial Board or manually. The Editorial Board is free to reject, accept or make any necessary changes to the article at the time of publication. Unless the article has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines for preparing articles for publication in the Quarterly, it will not be presented at the meeting of the members of the Editorial Board of the journal and will not receive a certificate of publication.
In order to increase the number of international readers and to be included in international databases, the abstract and the list of references should also be provided in English.
Politics Quarterly follows the rules of the International Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE). If plagiarism and any scientific violation of the principles of ethics in research is found in the article submitted to the Quarterly, it will be immediately removed from the referee's agenda, and the Editorial Board reserves the right to take any necessary action within the framework of the rules.
If the article is based on a master's or doctoral thesis, the necessary documentation and the approval of the supervisor (as responsible author) must also be sent.
The members of the Editorial Board are free to reject, accept or make necessary changes to the article at the time of publication. If the author refuses to accept the corrections suggested by the reviewers and the Editorial Board, the article will be rejected.
The author(s) of the article are fully responsible for the opinions expressed in the article and for respecting the rights of authors and researchers.
Articles that are not prepared according to the guidelines for the preparation of articles for the Policy Quarterly will not be presented at the meeting of the members of the Editorial Board of the journal.
The following four main completed forms must be sent through the system together with the article file: 1- The author's profile registration form (including name, institutional affiliation, mobile phone number, email, telephone number, full work or home address). 2- Conflict of Interest Form; and 3- Irandak Identification Certificate; and 4- Signed Letter of Commitment Form.
In order to improve the quality of the article and to correct possible mistakes, it is recommended that the author(s) ask their competent colleagues to read the article and to point out possible shortcomings before submitting it to this journal.
General items for authors
Dear authors, the following points should be considered carefully to ensure the timely review of your submitted papers.
Paper Preparation Guides
Setting up tables
When setting up tables, charts and figures, the following points must be observed:
(c) Illustrations and maps must be clear, legible, scaled and of appropriate quality. (If colour printing of maps and charts is required, the cost will be charged and received separately).
- References in the article should be in APA style, all in Latin, and the sources cited in the text should be listed in parentheses with the author's surname, year of publication and page number. For example: (Alem, 2007: 22) correct translation (Alem, 2007: 22). Also, the method of citing sources and references at the end of the article based on the letters of the alphabet should be in the form of the following examples with accurate translation and mention of [Persian] in parentheses at the end.
- Book: Surname, name of author(s) or translator(s), (year of publication), book title, place of publication, publisher and relevant DOI, e.g.
Motaghi, Ebrahim. (2006). Principles and Concepts of Political Science, Tehran: Amir Kabir Publications [in Persian].
- Journal: Surname, name of author(s), (year of publication), article title, journal name, journal number and relevant DOI.
- Internet: surname, name of author(s), (year of publication or access), title of work, ID (address) of site/base and relevant DOI.
E-mail address:
University of Tehran Electronic Journals Database:
Executive Secretary's e-mail: