Reformism discourse was organized according to a set of non- homogeneous theories and because it was a combination of traditional teachings of Islam and teachings of modern liberalism simultaneously, it didn’t have any theoretical integrity. Immediate integration of reformers during the election was dues to a historical necessity of opposition against conservatisms, candidate who considered himself as the definite winner of the election. By gathering diffused votes, and making a wide political wing. Reformers wanted to be present in political theater and transfer their voices to the society. However, they didn’t develop any definite strategy to reach a political convergence or coalition. The unwritten integrity was made around khatami, but after the unbelievable victory, differences emerged gradually. These differences being made due to the non- homogeneous theories of this Discourse, were about intellectual foundations and various political and executive methods in reform wing. Wide and narrow, democratic or traditional interpretations of the Constitution, as well as power division and the use of political power of the president, parliament and city council were formed in the society. Reformism movement was being drawn in every direction by individuals or groups and lost its integration. Therefore the way was paved for theoretical development and change of political methods. Here we study the process of the collapse of reformers integrity on the basis of a theoretical approach.