Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Imam Khomeini International University, Iran

2 M.A., International Relations, Imam Khomeini International University, Iran


The Europe Union (EU) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) share 21
members, so evaluating the challenges and opportunities in the field of international
politics is very important. European Union is a civilian power with economic and
social capabilities, and soft security. Its military capabilities in the form of
"European Security and Defense Policy" is less important. But NATO in the first
look is known as a military and security alliance which is broadly beneath the
United States. EU has developed its capabilities and activities in the field of
"Common Foreign and Security Policy" (CFSP) and especially "European Security
and Defense Policy (ESDP)" since the 1990s. Europe Union intends to make
cooperation between "European rapid deployment force" and "NATO Rapid
Reaction Force" to achieve the required competency and capabilities. Our findings
suggest that "European Common defense policy" must define as complementary and
not in conflict with NATO. The author attempts to explain the challenges and
opportunities exist in the relations between Europe Union and NATO, and
evaluating its impacts on Iran's national interests in the region and the world. The
method of this paper is library collection and it is developed in a descriptiveanalytical
manner. Furthermore, a variety of sources, such as related books,
databases and papers have been used.


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    ج) منابع اینترنتی:

    24. www.consilium.europa