Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Political Department, University of Tehran, Iran


According to Rawls, lack of information and knowledge behind the veil of
ignorance necessitates the existence of Primary Goods. He outlines several
subjective and objective reasons to back his argument for the necessity of Primary
Goods as a fair and neutral element. This article discusses Rawls’s argument for
such necessity while at the same time argues that the “Primary Goods” listed by
Rawls promote a specific type of political culture and that is “individualism.”


1. Nagel, Thomas (1973), «Rawls on Justice», The Philosophical Review, Vol. 82, No. 2, pp.220-234.
2. Raz, Joseph (1986), The Morality of Freedom, England, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
3. Rawls, John (1972), “Reply to Lyons and Teitelman”, Journal of Philosophy, No.69, pp.556-557.
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7. Schwartz, Adina (1973), «Moral Neutrality and Primary Goods», Ethics, Vol.  83, No. 4, pp.294-307.
8. Teitelman, Michael (1972), «The Limits of Individualism», The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 69, No. 18, pp. 545-556.