Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science Department, Allameh Tabatabaii University, Iran


Plato, as the founder of “political Philosophy”, is the best example of a theorist who
attempt to understand the social disorders and to propose a solution for it. For Plato,
to put Socrates on trial is a symptom of Athena’s “crisis” which should be examined
and a solution should be presented. All of Plato’s attempts, especially in “The
Republic” are to get rid of this crisis. But, Plato’ solution, as if it has happened a
“miracle” in modern age, has been regarded as distinctive from all modern age
thinkers’ solution and these thinkers have intended to reject Plato’ solution by
ascribing it to the old age, age of ideals. In this treatise we want to achieve a “real
historical understanding” of Plato’s political philosophy by sympathy with the
philosopher, that is, by approaching the method of understanding the text by text
itself and avoiding from the two methods of “progressism” and “historicism” in
understanding the political texts and methods which have been founded upon
miracle based on the prejudice of the modern age. This method of investigation,
especially in explaining Plato’s “ideas” is basic in regarding to our intended


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