Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Payame Noor University, Iran


However, in the most general way of life refers to the pattern and way of life, like
many other social science concepts, theories need backup which determines what
depth the issue of "life" and its relation to other issues and concepts. Thus, the main
question is “what is the result of social theory and its implementation to "Western
lifestyle" contemporary West?” and what is included of the nature of the "Islamic
way of life"?” Hypothesis article refers to a range of concepts, such as modern
society, late modernity, class system, consumption pattern, and the pattern is fun and
leisure, and so on. At the same time positions achievements to epistemology and
methodology with regard to the origin of the concept of distinctive is different. This
paper describes the methods and techniques of library foundation recognized
components and outlined three categories of ontology, epistemology and
methodology. It is concept of the different intellectual origins of the "Western" and


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