Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


The Beyhaqi’s History is one of the most important cultural and historical text in
Iran. Beyhaqi had access to documents and information about the way of
governance, running of society and political life in the Ghaznavid era. Beyhaqi’s
History can be seen as a socio- political history book. Those parts of this book that
available now are related mainly to the beginning of the fall of Ghaznavids process.
In this perspective, the main question of this research is: “Why the Ghaznavid
government fell?” To generalizing the answer, we can come to cause of the fall of
all governments. Focusing on politics, this article reviews the problem and factors
related to the fall of governments on Beyhaqi’s History, with on interpretive
approach and historical method. The feature of Beyhaqi’s History is his careful and
attentive analysis of the data. Therefore, this method pleases readers that seek
information but do not reduce the desire to find why accidents have happened in


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