Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor; Political Science, University of Yazd

2 Masters Student; Political Science, University of Yazd


There is no consensus, among scholars of political science, about political thought of Machiavelli (Machiavellianism)andits relationship to his real character. Some have considered him, pro-militarism, pro-authoritarianism and pro-pragmatism while others believe him to be realistic, pragmatic and a public-good pro. In this paper, Machiavelli's political philosophy has been initially studied, to be cleared whether he intended to present a general theory or a particular theory of his time-specific. Impact of these thoughts on one of the twentieth century’s totalitarian movements has also been examined. Now this study is formed around the question; 1) If bases and principles of Fascism, one of the totalitarianisms, are rooted in the Machiavellianism? The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of Machiavellianism on the formation of Fascism by looking at the books "The Prince" and "Mein Kampf", It has been tried to take steps towards analyzing the issue by analyzing these two works according to the qualitative content analysis method. Article assumption is; Machiavellianism theoretical concepts underlie the principles and bases of Fascism. Though could not be explicitly said that Machiavellianism implications and Fascism concepts are the same, but there are signs of the influence of Machiavellianism on the concepts of Fascism.


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