Islamic fundamentalists influence in Central Asia on the National Security in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of international forces

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran

2 PhD Student of International Relations, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Guilan, Iran


This article aims to explain how Islamic fundamentalism in Central Asia could challenge Afghan national security following the withdrawal of international forces. In this paper, the authors focusing on two jihadi Islamists groups in Central Asia, called the IMU (Islamic movement of Uzbekistan) and Islamic Jihad Union (Islamic Jihadism of Uzbekistan) believe that high adaptability in the wake of forced migration in Waziristan, Pakistan, since 2001, soft structural changes that occurred over the years in these groups, and relationship with Jihadist groups in Waziristan, Pakistan contribute to the growing power of these groups. Such that the absence of a stable political institution by international forces in Afghanistan, and consequently the weakness and lack of clear strategy in the wake of America's withdrawal from Afghanistan, two- faction split between ethnic groups in northern Afghanistan, and lack of a charismatic leader on the one hand, as well as cohesion and solidarity among the Central Asian militant jihadi groups, on the other, has turned them into potentially dangerous groups. It can be a wake-up call for the region, in addition, it carries the signs of intentions of these groups to make Afghanistan insecure and to return to Central Asia. Our hypothesis in this paper is that the Central Asian Islamic fundamentalist groups, i.e. the Islamic Movement and Islamic Jihad Union, are serious threats to stability and security in Afghanistan and potentially dangerous for countries of the region in the wake of the withdrawal of international forces since 2014. This paper measures the probability of the hypothesis, that is, whether these groups are dangerous or not.


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