An Approach Analysis of the Political Presses to the Iranian Oil Industry Nationalization Movement

Document Type : Research Paper


Member of Islamic and Iranian Culture Research Center of Kerman Shahid Bahonar University


This paper presents an approach analysis of the political presses(published 23rd September 1950 to 20th March 1951) to the Iranian oil industry nationalization movement. The analysis aims at determining the impact of political presses of this period, as one of the most tools of pressing groups,on the rise and victory of the movement. The research methods is descriptive-analytic and in gathering data the documentary and library methods have been used. The sample includes 269 editorials of 11 political presses that belong to the most important political parties and associations of that time, have been chosen through qoutas sampling method. The analysis has been done on the approaches of the sample to six categories including Razmara government, Jebhe Melli political party, nationalization of oil industry thesis, Attached bill, Iran and Britain Oil Industry Company and State of Britain. The paper concludes that the political presses published 23rd September 1950 to 20th March 1951, despite of some differences in their approaches to Razmara government, Jebhe Melli political party and nationalization of oil industry thesis ,have played a significant role in the rise and victory of Iranian oil industry nationalization movement.


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