Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Semnan University, Iran


What should be done to establish a state in its true sense? The political science literature is full of simple and complex solutions- economic, sociological, political and cultural – to establish it. Although we cannot deny the importance of these theories to be, but the fact is that its application in many countries is at best led to heterogeneous and inconsistent communities. While this can be explained in terms of different scientific disciplines, from the perspective of this paper, it should be due in the absence of a comprehensive and coherent intellectual tradition. Without a coherent intellectual tradition, you cannot expect to form a real modern state. If you require a State of this type, Political philosophy as the first human intellectual effort to rationalize the politics can still be considered. To focus on political philosophy and exploring the nature of it, the present article tries to pay an attention the potential possibilities of this school for the establishment of a modern intellectual state.


  1. الف) فارسی

    1. 1.                     آدمیت، فریدون (1375)، تاریخ فکر، از سومر تا یونان و روم، تهران، انتشارات روشنگران.
    2. 2.                     ارسطو (1371)، سیاست، ترجمۀ حمید عنایت، تهران، انتشارات و آموزش انقلاب اسلامی.
    3. 3.                     اشتراوس، لئو (1373)، فلسفۀ سیاسی چیست؟ ترجمۀ فرهنگ رجایی، تهران، انتشارات علمی و فرهنگی.
    4. 4.                     افلاطون (1374)، جمهور، ترجمۀ فواد روحانی، تهران، انتشارات علمی و فرهنگی.
    5. 5.                     افلاطون (1375)، قوانین، ترجمۀ محمدحسن لطفی، تهران، شرکت انتشارات خوارزمی.
    6. 6.                     بشیریه، حسین (1374)، دولت عقل، تهران، مؤسسۀ نشر علوم نوین.
    7. 7.                     ساباین، جرج (1349)، تاریخ نظریات سیاسی، ترجمۀ بهاءالدین پازارگاد، تهران، امیرکبیر.
    8. 8.                     کوینتین، آنتونی (1371)، فلسفۀ سیاسی، ترجمۀ مرتضی اسعدی، تهران، انتشارات بین‌المللی الهدی.
    9. 9.                     هالینگ دیل،ر.ج (1385)، تاریخ فلسفۀ غرب، ترجمۀ عبدالحسین آذرنگ، تهران، ققنوس.


    ب) لاتین

    1-                   Haddock, Bruce.,(2008) A History of Political Thought, Polity Press.

    2-                   Lee, Keekok (1990) The Legal-Rational State: A Comparison of Hobbes, Bentham and Kelsen (Avebury Series in Philosophy), Avebury.

    3-                   Manent, Pierre., (2008) “ The Return of Political Philosophy”, First Things 103, pp.15-22.

    4-                   Miller, David., “Political Philosophy”, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

    5-                   Silberman, Bernard S (1993) Cages of Reason: The Rise of the Rational State in France, Japan, the United States, and Great Britain. The University of Chicago Press. USA.

    6-                   Statham, Robert E., (2002) Public Philosophy and Political Science: Crisis and Reflection, Lexington Books, NewYork, USA.

    7-                   Wayper, C., (1973) Political Thought, London, The English Universities Press.

    8-                   Zimmera, Matthias (1999) From the National State to the Rational State and Back? An Exercise in Understanding Politics and Identity in Germany in the Twentieth Century. German Politics, Volume 8, Issue3.