Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, International Relations, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran

2 Ph.D Candidate, International Relations, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran


According to human rights organizations, in spite of these organizations' active efforts in the United States, the US government breaches the rights of many American and non-American citizens throughout the world. This article tries to show that the breach of human rights is due to domination of neo-conservatism in the western capitalist countries in the past few decades which believes in inequality of human beings in social, economic and political spheres. Though the principles of human rights believe in equality of all men in all spheres of life. It should be noted that neo-conservatism here means a political, social and economic line of thought in reaction to welfare states programs of the western countries after the World War II, which has a different meaning from neo-conservatism in the usual sense. This mode of thinking believes in inequality of human races; trade free from any government interference, reduction of taxes, anti- feminism, exerting control over different aspects of human life including interception of cyber space and people’s communication.


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