Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor; Faculty of Islamic Studies and Politics, Imam Sadiq University, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate; Faculty of Islamic Studies and Politics, Imam Sadiq University, Iran


The question of the relation between the concept of "right" and "good" and the precedence of each about another has been one of the important issues of normative ethics. Since the fundamental issues of ethics are not restricted to the personal ethics and the responses to them will be applied in political thoughts, the question of this essay has led to intellectual trends and prescriptions in political thought, especially justice studies. Studying some important western opinions and theories of justice from antiquity to the present by a descriptive-analytical method, the essay purports  to illustrate that the thinkers ,whether they have faced the question of right and good as a direct problem, have always tended to one side of the dilemma (right and good) and their attitude toward the dilemma had a central role in the formation of their opinions about justice.


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