Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Farhangian University, Iran


Although improvement and accumulation of human capital  depends on state policy, every state hasn't this capability. Meritocratic bureaucracies, extractive capability, accountability and rationalization of relations with society promote capacity and autonomy in developmental state model. According to the study hypothesis, structure and nature of the ninth and tenth governments was the main obstacle to human capital development policy. Some of the most important factors that cause these problems are continuation of populist policies, ignoring laws, expansionary and redistributive policies, weak and unprofessional bureaucracy, lack of constructive interaction with other components of the system, irrational and inappropriate decisions, and negligence of international capacities and inefficient structure of rentier state. As a result, this state in comparison with developmental states, despite oil boom, couldn't reasonably conduct and manage process of human capital development policy due to institutional weakness.


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