Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Research Institute of Hawzah and University, Iran


A major approach in explaining the concept of political theory was thinking exclusively about its descriptive character. This approach was the dominant one in the middle decades of the twentieth century. But after the collapse of the pervasive project of positivism, the context of political theorizing has greatly changed and normativity and contemplating political theorizing with regard to values and ideals of political life was considered to a large scale. The basis of the present research on political theory was this fundamental fact that all political theories led to the political action and their purpose is to create social realities. Political theory should be known as akind of study mainly directed towards the "dos" and "don'ts" of political sphere. This reflects the issues to be addressed in political theory. These issues are largely normative and represent the correct principles and measures that should be prevailed on political affairs. In addition, political theory tries to perceive and understand the elements of a prosperous and happy society. By focusing on normativity in theorizing, the presented assumption about political theory in this study tries to provide a way for political theorizing in religious texts.


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