Document Type : Research Paper


Assocaite Professor; Department of Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran


The inability of liberal ideas in correct understanding and lack of attention to the characteristics of the political antagonism has led most theorists to describe the current situation as a Post-Political Era. Why have populist extreme right parties (the area of the deep crisis of political identity) or al-Qaeda been able to achieve success? Chantal Mouffe responding to such crises, mention the necessity of the era of "post-democratic" which should be fully inclusive and comprehensive. In fact, this understanding of politics, which is mainly due to the centrality of the Aristotelian problematic aspects of normative political philosophy, political and moral distinction between morality and politics and the common good does not exist. The current paper aims to examine concepts, analytical formulation and central visions of Mouffe’s view on modernity and liberal discourse, ontological distinction between the political and politics, the status of the subject and the role of citizens in radical democracy.


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