Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor; Imam Sadeq University, Tehan, Iran


Current Exchange opinions and criticism between liberalism and communitarianism as two contemporary political schools of thoughts is an important issue. Liberalism in the modern era, especially now without any doubt one of, if not the only, political ideology is dominant. It can be said that communitarians are strongest critics of Liberalism, and liberals in their turn have some strongest critique about communitarian's ideas. This article aims to express critiques of defenders of liberalism against some communitarian authors like Michael j. Sandel, Alasdair MacIntyre, Charls Taylor and Michael Walzer. In short these critiques can be grouped in eight fields: confronting freedom, misunderstanding about liberal freedom, having comprehensive philosophical doctrine, misunderstanding about liberal neutrality, misunderstanding about liberal self, problem of virtue and civic virtues, exaggeration of liberal weaknesses, and impossibility of communitarianism.


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