Document Type : Research Paper


Assistance Professor; political science in Ferdowsi universiry of Mashhad


In this article I focused to this question, what is legitimacy king in the Achaemenid era? Legitimacy mean that reason and rationality in the background of political system. In this era one person name of king, empires on the people. King of kings must be famous dynasty especially pars people. The race and ancestry determined who can get crown monarchy. Territory achaemenid was very big and organized and management this area was very complex. King of king must respect to local custom and different tradition that exist in their territory. Although achaemenid praised Ahoramazda but in the culture and religion policy making had plural. They were theist but for the condition environment separated religious from politic. Ahoramazda, ancestry and quality of leading determined who can be king of king. For approve this hypothesis deal content analysis petro glyphs remain of the ancient Iran.  Ancient inscription are ideological apparatus for state that can organized people with soft power.


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