Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor; Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Shiraz University


A review of the texts produced in the field of soft power, particularly exploring the views of prominent exponent of this concept, Joseph Nye, reflects the fact that regardless of providing a coherent framework which implement this concept in order to fulfill the goals and interests of its committers, all scholars and researchers have so far applied soft power merely as a descriptive tool and not practical. In fact, they have perceived the concept of soft power as the concept of hegemony and monopoly that only the hegemonic countries in economic and military are able to apply it, not the middle and regional powers. Hence, through categorizing and theorizing various aspects of soft power and distinguishing between "soft resources" and "hard resources" from one side and "soft resources" and "soft power", the researchers seek to present Resource-Based Theory of Soft Power, in contrast to distinguish between the Coercive Power and Co-optive Power as Nye and his supports have pointed.The article aims to provide the backgrounds for enjoyment of the functions soft power for countries like Iran through breaking the monopoly of the current hegemonic model.


الف) فارسی
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