Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor; Department of Regional Studies, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D. Student; Regional Studies, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran


Britain and EU relation was complex and full of up-and-downs from the scratch when they entered EU in 1955. In spite of historic factors and Anglo-Saxon pride that never let Britain to letdown themselves, different viewpoints of the UK governments, media and Public opinion that was generally based on incomplete knowledge and information on EU set-up had been the reasons that lead to the rise up of a mark called “ European reluctance” or “European skepticism”. Britain was reluctant from the first to be a member of European Coal and Steel Community so that in 1973 showed this reluctance in incompatibility with EU’s common policies (like Common Fisheries Policy, Common commercial policy, Common Agricultural Policy, Economic and monetary affairs, Foreign & Security Policy and …. ) and also with not accepting the EU’s most important integration symbols like euro zone and schengen agreement. This article, based on intergovernmentalism-supernationalism’s theories of regionalism, opens up the hypothesis that Britain’s transatlantic tendencies that showed itself in “special relations” with united states and in the other hand aggregation of more power in EU institutions that lead to the more sovereignty transference were the main reasons of reluctance that at the end voted “yes” to Brexit in 23 June 2016. This article is a descriptive-analytic article and used deductive methodology for reaching the article’s main goals


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