Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor; Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 M.A Student; Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


Because of the importance of Human Rights issues, mechanisms and organizations established in this field have an especial importance too. The Human Rights Commission and the Human Rights Council substituted the former are two important mechanisms established in this respect by the U.N. The major functions of these organizations are development, promotion, protection and supervising human rights in member states of the U.N such as the Islamic Republic of Iran. The investigation of human rights situation in Iran started when the Human Rights Commission was established and continued when the Human Rights Council substituted in 2006.  The main goal of the present research is to compare the practice of these two organizations toward Iran for finding the similarities and differences. Findings of the research show that despite of the organizational changing and developments in the Human Rights Council there are not considerable differences in the practice of the Human Rights Council compared to the Human Rights Commission; this means that the general political atmosphere and criticisms against Iran experienced in Human Rights Commission practice toward Iran continued in the practice of its substituted organization. Meanwhile Iran's attempts in establishing channels to affect the decisions of both organizations have not been successful. Research method in this research is analytical-descriptive and data gathering is based on library way.     


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د)اسناد و قطعنامه‌ها
22. A/HRC/26/28
23. A/HRC/16/75
24. A/HRC/17/27/Add.1
25. A/HRC/20/27
26. A/HRC/19/55
27. A/HRC/19/66
28. A/HRC/22/48
29. A/HRC/7/28
30. A/HRC/25/61
31. A/HRC/25/75
32. A/HRC/22/48
33. A/RES/67/182, A/HRC/22/23, A/RES/68/184, A/HRC/25/24
34. A/HRC/25/61, A/68/503, A/HRC/22/56