The Discourse of Political Islam and the Rise of Feminist Identity during the Pahlavi Era

Document Type : Research Paper



The emergence of the discourse of political Islam is an important phenomena in contemporary Iran. Regardless of the various aspects of this discourse, as far as we are concerned, the rise of the Islamic discourse had a direct impact on their attitude of the status of women in society and led to the revision of femininity narrative in Islamic texts. Prior to this, women were restricted to the private sphere in Islamic texts, but with the advent of political Islam discourse, women are not only allowed to be present and participate in the public sphere, but there was an attempt to define a new paradigm called "warrior woman", which could made Women highly political. This article attempts to review the most prominent Islamist texts –that is, the three publications of The Doctrine of Islam, the Doctrine of Shi'ism and the Grand Mosque - to provide a cogent narrative of the politicalized woman in political Islam and the role of woman in the revolution. Four narratives can be obtained from three Islamic magazines. Considering this four narratives, Bluff’s sets out six indicators in the narrative analysis, which give us an identity of woman, in which they left the privacy of their house stepped out and fought against government and its hegemony. Therefore, the main question is how the discourse of political Islam changed the concept of femininity and offered a new narrative. Relying on the narrative analysis and the concept of narrative identity, this article seeks to answer this question.


  1. الف) فارسی

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    ب) لاتین


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    4. http://www.imam-sadr