Institutional rights of citizenship and political participation

Document Type : Research Paper



Ratio between practice Participation and institutional law in transition from crisis to participate in the political development of this paper has been studied. In this study analytical nodal point is to organize the discussion section: toward between the two variables a practical partnership and citizenship rights? In other words, one independent variable and dependent variable is the other? Or look at the dialogue, political participation and civil rights groups and the role "mutually" established "political participation is in crisis? Literature review showed that to answer these questions, three answers are competing. A group of researchers and scholars into a crisis see single- linear. Which course to cause an independent role and which factors play a role in the dependent variable does differ? Another group of non-linear thinkers have a vision. Look at their structures and institutions of political participation and civil rights advocate role "mutually" establishment "is. in three words, to pay the genealogy topics.


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