Globalization, International Migrations and Languages

Document Type : Research Paper



Globalization, International Migrations and Languages

This thesis an attempt to explore that how globalization through international migration effects on the tongues. Just as the globalization accelerate, expand and diversify the migration, so it separates a person from the language community and leads her or him to join the new one. Language and migration and their interaction can be examined from three directions.
The first issue is related to the migration policies of the host countries. Under the migration laws of their host countries, established rules are applied in the field of language. In this way, the individual is forced to abandon their language and prefer another language. The second issue is acculturation and integration into the host society. Because of using various opportunities, immigrants have to learn the language of the host community insofar as they integrated into the new community. This conformity gives rise not to transmit their language to second and third generations of immigrants and thereby there is no intergenerational language transmission among them. At the same time, immigration is negatively effects on languages in another way, when massive migration to a place where residents are in the minor situations and newcomers are powerful ones. In this context, the former people lose their language and culture. The examples of international migration present how immigrants and the host community's language have been affected and shows how large-scale international migration results in the loss of linguistic diversity and linguistic homogenization in the world.


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