An examination on the Aggressive diplomacy in Iranian Foreign policy towars the West and US (2005-2013)

Document Type : Research Paper


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This research seeks to analyze the reasons and factors involved in the formation of aggressive diplomacy in foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran (2005-2013). In doing so, the study believes that during this period, a specific and distinct form of foreign policy was embodied in the political life of the Islamic Republic, which the main feature of it was the aggressive approach towards the West, and in particular the United States. The hypothesis of this study, based on the main proposition, is that the determination of a particular pattern of foreign policy in this period is a combination of variables of micro and macro level analysis. Accordingly, James Rosen's Hybrid pattern has been chosen as the theoretical framework for this research. In this Hybrid model, at the micro-level analysis of four variables include idiosyncratic, roles, government structure and social context, and at the level of international analysis, the structure of the international structure have a significant role. The article descriptive-analytical type and data collection is based on and documentation and libraries.


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