The explanation of difficulties facing women's political participation in parties after the ratification of law of parties

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor/ Islamic Azad University, Central Branch

2 Ph. D Candidate- Islamic Azad University, Central Branch


This article has focused on the Barrier's facing women's political participation in parties. The main question of this article is that What are the obstacles of women's participation in parties after the ratification of Laws of parties in answering to this question, the main hypothesis of this article is that patriarchal political culture along with unofficial political barriers have had negative effects on three factors (Characteristic Features, Political Motivations and Women’s Social Status) which are in relation with women's political participation. This process has had some consequences like the necessity of women's following of men; or undermining the social status of women; and creation the sense of political inability and so, have provided unfavorable political atmosphere for women and decrease the level of women's political participating. In order to examine the main hypothesis, structural questionnaire method has been used.


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