Sociological study of effects political participation experience on attitudes of citizens towards political participation in Iran Case Study: Citizens of Abhar City

Document Type : Research Paper



Political participation is a process through which the political power is distributed among the people and parties of a community. the present study examines of empricall effects political participation the attitudes of citizens towards political participation in Iran. In this regard, various theoretical views and a combined method(abduction) has been used in studying social.The present study aims to recognize the citizens’ attitudes and rules of behaviors in society of Iran.The present study is a cross-sectional survey and research instrument is a questionnaire along with interviews. Population of the study includes the citizens of Abhar who are 18 or over 18 years old, 385 of whom participated in this study based on multi-stage cluster sampling. Results show that the multiplicity of participating in the elections (political participation experience) affects citizens’ membership in parties, associations, guild unions, and political and social organizations positively with 95% confidence level and 5% error level. Moreover, there is a positive effect between multiplicity of participation in elections and attitude towards political participation with 99% confidence level and 1% error level suggesting that increased participation in elections will probably lead to a positive attitude in this regard, citizens’ membership in social parties and organizations has a positive effect on their attitudes toward political participation


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