This article is an attempt by the analytical method to study two meta-narrative "religious" and "political" and then challenge them in the framework of Derridas Deconstruction, so Derrida against a version of Christianity that it provided in the text mind founder, sole custodians of traditional institutions and the formal introduction of the screw, recounting concepts such as "gift", "sacrifice", "forgiveness," "messianism" and that Christianity has always belong to the classic discourse. Deconstruction also the narrative that the survival of "liberal democracy" and its political system based on the Soviet Union and the collapse of communism after the collapse, as the end of history, the last stage of human ideological evolution and the final form of government as a screw attempts to in presenting its weaknesses and limitations, giving new meaning to the concept of "friendship" based on the unbreakable brotherhood, unconditional and universal, promising practices new policy as a "community without community" and democracy as original " democracy to come "is.
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aghahosseini, A. , and veysi, S. . "The planning And analyzing two meta-narrative "Christianity" and "liberal democracy" in the framework of the theory of Derrida's Deconstruction", POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 49, 4, 2019, 901-921. doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.234423.1007073
aghahosseini, A., veysi, S. (2019). 'The planning And analyzing two meta-narrative "Christianity" and "liberal democracy" in the framework of the theory of Derrida's Deconstruction', POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 49(4), pp. 901-921. doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.234423.1007073
A. aghahosseini and S. veysi, "The planning And analyzing two meta-narrative "Christianity" and "liberal democracy" in the framework of the theory of Derrida's Deconstruction," POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 49 4 (2019): 901-921, doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.234423.1007073
aghahosseini, A., veysi, S. The planning And analyzing two meta-narrative "Christianity" and "liberal democracy" in the framework of the theory of Derrida's Deconstruction. POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 2019; 49(4): 901-921. doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.234423.1007073