An Introduction to the Foundations and Products of Political Science in Iran
Shoja Ahmadvand
One of the major controversies among political scientists was the debate over the nature of political science. Some have made it a theoretical construct, in order to be able to provide an abstract framework for an objective phenomenon. But others have argued that political science is essentially abstract-practical knowledge because it was in the wind seeking better city and community management. This knowledge was twofold, on the one hand, seeking to understand the ends and objectives of the government, and on the other hand, seeking the appropriate means to fulfill those goals; therefore, it had both a functional and a theoretical aspect. However, its theoretical aspect has become more prominent today. In Iran, it has provided three full legal, religious, and bureaucratic foundations, in which the establishment of the Political Science School was set up with the goal of educating people to manage political negotiations on the verge of Iran-Russia wars, and better governance of the community and improving relations. External done. The situation that lasted until the Islamic Revolution. Gradually, with the rule of abstract approaches, this knowledge departed from its practical nature, and today it is an inappropriate knowledge that has failed to impose itself on the political, social, economic, and legal structures of the society for its better administration. The article suggests that in order to bring this science back into practice, it must provide the necessary conditions for the return to its foundations.
Key Words: Iranian Political Thought, Just Community Theory, Iranshahi Theory, Bureaucratic State Theory
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Ahmadvand, S. (2019). An Introduction to the Foundations and Products of Iranian Political Science. POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 49(4), 941-957. doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.254342.1007237
Ahmadvand, S. . "An Introduction to the Foundations and Products of Iranian Political Science", POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 49, 4, 2019, 941-957. doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.254342.1007237
Ahmadvand, S. (2019). 'An Introduction to the Foundations and Products of Iranian Political Science', POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 49(4), pp. 941-957. doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.254342.1007237
S. Ahmadvand, "An Introduction to the Foundations and Products of Iranian Political Science," POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 49 4 (2019): 941-957, doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.254342.1007237
Ahmadvand, S. An Introduction to the Foundations and Products of Iranian Political Science. POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 2019; 49(4): 941-957. doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.254342.1007237