The moral system and control of the evils of the market system in the age of Globalization

Document Type : Research Paper



The moral system and control of the evils of the market system in the age of Globalization
This article follows three goals by examining the course of the relationship between ethics and business from the distant past to the age of globalization with a theoretical and historical approach: 1. A description of the historical process of trade and ethics; 2.Explaining the theoretical and practical separation of business from ethics in modern times; 3.The Need for theoretical and Practical Return to Ethics in the Age of Globalization.
The findings of this study show that: 1.There is a significant relationship between trade and ethics; 2. This relationship has been repeated in different periods of history; With the passage of time and the transformation of human societies and institutions, although created in the context of business and morality, 3. this relationship has been reproduced in more complex and updated forms. In the new era, the return to a universal moral order has become necessary in light of the ineffectiveness of liberal, socialist-Marxist and human rights mechanisms in controlling the evils of the market system. There is no universal world ideology or universal religion beyond existing religions; rather, consensus is at least based on imperative values, definitive standards, and ethical attitudes.
Key words: ethics, trade, evil, globalization, international political economy.


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