Document Type : Research Paper



Development is one of the concepts in the social science and political science. It has been changed deeply in theoretical dimensions and has been discussed much based on different experiences of many developing countries around the world. Finally in the context of political economy and economic development this concept and related theories new patterns have been emerged. Now beyond these fields, political development and human development have opened new debates about these theories: developmental state theory. This model is an effort to explain the causes and mechanism of development in Singapore, based on this theory. Developmental state theory focus on the role of state based on the process of development of East and South East Asian countries. In this regards the authors survey policies and programs of Singapore’s state. In this paper after review on different main theorist of development, they focus on some ideas of these people. With stress on Leftwich’s outlooks, the authors see the state as the main source and mean of development. They examine the experiences of Singapore’s state to fulfill economic development programs to show the aspects of this model.


  1. الف) فارسی

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