Iranian Constitutional Revolution, the problem of insecurity and its impact on the fringe of democracy

Document Type : Research Paper


Political Science/Tehran.U/


This paper examines the constitutional revolution and its revision in terms of insecurity. The basic question is this; how can we explain the relation between insecurity and democracy in the constitutional revolution? The main hypothesis is that the insecurity in the constitutional era led to the repulsing of constitution meaning democracy. Insecurity in constitutional movement not only pushed back democracy and constitutionalism in second priority, but sometimes the constitutionalism was seen as a way to re-strengthen Iran. Therefore, this research has emphasized the necessity of reading the constitutional concepts from the perspective of insecurity issue. The document studies show that the main purpose of the constitution was to solve the insecurity problem, and it was discovered in the historical exploration that a sovereign state was the only way out of this chaos and insecurity. This has then led to the marginalization of democracy. The problem is this; Iran is constantly threatened in two internal and external dimensions. The Governments of the time were also weak in controlling the insecurity. Therefore, insecurity overshadows other Iranian demands such as democracy. Totally, this article has given the fundamental importance to the social and public insecurity. Although, state’s independence against foreign forces, territorial integrity and the authority of the state in the public sphere has been considered because of the influence on the scope of insecurity.


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