Common interests and common aversions between China and Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Tehran university- International Relations Department


The Sino-Iran relationship is increasingly showing its importance in Iran and Chinese foreign policy. This article focuses on the two major variables: the common interests and common aversions between China and since 1971. The question of this article is How the common interests and common aversions between China and Iran decides their relationship . China and Iran have many common interests: in the economic and energy cooperation, military cooperation, anti-terrorism and extremism, region security and geopolitics. China and Iran also have have common aversions in: dealing with domestic human rights, religious and democratic issues. China and Iran have some common aversions with different interests in dealing with conflicts with Russia, West powers and neighboring countries in their own regions. In this way, when China and Iran found equilibrium in their common aversions and common interests, they can have much closer relationship. But when China and Iran can not find equilibrium in their common interests and common aversions, they can not keep closer relationship. In this way, when China pursues strategy of economic development, Iran pursues political strategy as its priority of policy, China and Iran can only develop the limited economic relationship as the most important and permanent cooperation.


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