The Satire is one of the dynamic literary species found in the poetry of some poets of the Andalusian age. After the advent of Islam, the poetry of satire outside the personal field and tribal outside and entered the realm of religion and politics. Andalusian poets in their spells used comic instruments to express their goals and goals, and thus as a social critic and politics stand against political powers. What has been researched in this article is the discovery of political themes in Andalusian poets' spells,+ in that they have used political themes in their pariahs. Among these themes, one can refer to hypocrites, witches, foul, corrupt, bribe-takers, oppressors, and cruel, mistreated and inhuman matters, which attributed these themes to emirs, warlords, judges, and jurisprudents. In many of these poems, these poets have been expressly expressed and without fear and prejudice to oppose and criticize these political classes. The use of some rhetorical forms such as simile and metaphor, as well as some verbal exhortations in political spells, have brought beauty to the attention of the audience.
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Hadidi, H. (2020). The study of the Political satires of Andalusian poets. POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 50(2), 519-534. doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.265620.1007309
Hadidi, H. . "The study of the Political satires of Andalusian poets", POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 50, 2, 2020, 519-534. doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.265620.1007309
Hadidi, H. (2020). 'The study of the Political satires of Andalusian poets', POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 50(2), pp. 519-534. doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.265620.1007309
H. Hadidi, "The study of the Political satires of Andalusian poets," POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 50 2 (2020): 519-534, doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.265620.1007309
Hadidi, H. The study of the Political satires of Andalusian poets. POLITICAL QUARTERLY, 2020; 50(2): 519-534. doi: 10.22059/jpq.2020.265620.1007309