Foucault: Parrhesia's Practice in Shiite Revolution and ancient Greece

Document Type : Research Paper


theology department, humanities faculty, gonbad university, iran


Many investigations have been done about Foucault's approach to Iran Islamic Revolution, but none of them did not explain its relation with ancient Greece philosophy. One main objective in this comparative literary study is to argue that Without understanding of Greece Philosophy and critic of Christianity, it did not Reveal cause of Foucault's protection of Revolution. Therfore, the main question here is that what relation is between Iran Shiite Revolution and Ancient Greece Philosophy? Do this similitudes is justifiable? In Foucault' view, Parrhesia is common point between Greece Philosophy and Tashayyu. Concepts of "Martyr", "the creation of subjects" and "Marjiyat" are features of Shiite Parrhesia Practice. Foucault maintains aim of Parrhesia and Tashayyu is the conversion of person into autonomous subjects. He has different understanding of political concept of Revolution , such as he understands Tashayyu as a political spirituality. this Paper reveals Philosophical origin of Foucault's approach to Revolution.


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