A Study of the Relationship between Neoliberalism and the Second Generation of Human Rights

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Academic member and assistant professor of Islamic Azad University, Hamadan

2 Department of Law - Islamic Azad University of Hamadan


Neoliberalism is among the thoughts on concepts such as the market, the abolition of rules, and the removal of the notion of public or community interest and replacing it with "individual responsibility." Neoliberalism can be considered an ideology that believes that free trade and investment are the sole source of economic development and prosperity. This idea is based on the principle that the market mechanism should govern the human destiny. The collision of neoliberalism and the second generation of human rights, based on the charles and abstract categories that are abstract and academic, are in the economy and the market. The rules that are classified in this generation are among the legal ones that, in terms of codification and legislature, coincide with the rules of the first generation, but its identification is philosophically and theoretically followed by civil and political rights. It is important for these rules and concepts to coincide with the emergence of the period of neoliberalism, partly due to the international system's desire to realize the justice of the economy, and consequently to reduce poverty and overcome the shortcomings and deprivations of mankind.


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