Russia’s place in foreign policy of Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Political Science, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran


With the advent of the Islamic Revolution, we have seen a discourse change in foreign policy of Iran. The result of this transformation was the change in the role and place of international system actors in Iran's foreign policy. Russia as an important player in the international system has always been an influential element in Iran's foreign policy. In addition to being a neighbor, Russia has had a long-standing political and economic relationship with Iran. In this regard, the purpose of this study is In this regard,
The main question of the article is that "in recent years, which ideas, factors and components have determined Russia's position in Iran's foreign policy?" The research hypothesis is as follows "the structure of the international system and the internal construction of Iran's political system, including the understanding Iranian rulers about the nature of the international system, has caused to a consistency of Russia's position in foreign policy Iran; So that Russia has maintained its decisive role in orientation and behavioral patterns of Iranian foreign policy in different periods. On the contrary, relations between the two countries tend to fluctuate, due to international constraints and the development of discourses in Russian foreign policy.”


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