Security Council and women in armed conflict (1991-2017)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D (in International Relations), Faculty of Humanitarian, North Branch of The Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Prof. International Relations, Faculty of international Relations of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran.


Since the beginning of humanity, war and violence have always been with each other and women as vulnerable groups have the most impact of wars. In fact, when wars are started, women are deliberately targeted and used them to achieve their objectives by different groups. Therefore, due to the position and role of women in the family and society as a core, security and stability of countries are endangered. In a comprehensive perspective, when the countries become insecure, the international community will become insecure. As a result, it is undeniable that the importance of recognizing the adverse effects of armed conflict on women and its impact on international peace and security is essential. In this regard, the Security Council, as the United Nations Executive Director responsible for maintaining international peace and security, has focused on this issue since 1991 and undertaken three actions: 1. the concept of violating women's rights in armed conflict as a threat to international peace and security. 2. Judicial-security measures. 3. Political-security measures.


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