Investigating Human Powers in Creating the Maximum Realization of Islamic State from the Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 department of allameh tabatabaei of university

2 department of university ofallameh tabatabaei


The need for government in society has been less skeptical of political thinkers than in the past. One of the goals of the Prophet's mission has been to express the necessity of government and how society is run. From the perspective of man, of course, one must pursue his own way of happiness, which also requires freedom and great freedom. The present study therefore answers the question that what is the purpose of analyzing the human authority in maximizing the realization of Islamic rule from the Qur'an's point of view? The findings of the study show that human authority from the perspective of the Qur'an considers the best model for the establishment of the state as the model of maximal religion, that is to say, the supervision of all spheres should be given to religion. Therefore, it is appropriate to refer to the votes of the people who are crystallized as human beings in order to assert some of the rights of the people in the Qur'an. In this article, we use an analytical-interpretive approach to analyze human authority in the creation of the maximum realization of Islamic rule from the Qur'an's perspective.


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