Explaining the Inefficiency of ASEAN in Rohyngia Crisis

Document Type : Research Paper


esfahan university


Although Rohingya's ethnicity in Myanmar has been Exposed threats and injuries by Burmese nationalism as well as extremist Buddhism in Myanmar since the distant past, But from 2012 to 2018, a new wave of violence against this Muslim nation happened, That's the result nearly a million people were displaced and killed. was expected that the South east Asian Nations Union (ASEAN), as the most important regional institution in Southeast Asia, has responded to this genocide, but this did not happen. Therefore, The question arises: firstly, what is the ASEAN response to the genocide in Myanmar and, secondly, What factors influenced the reaction of this union? The hypothesis of the article, which has been analyzed by descriptive-analytic method, is that the socio-cultural heterogeneity and the non-uniformity of the political structure of the member states are the most important reasons for the weakness of ASEAN's response to genocide against the Rohingya ethnicity. the findings of the paper show that cultural and social incoherence as well as the non-uniformity of political structures can be effective in the ineffectiveness of regionalism.


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