The Construction of Ethnic and Religious Diversity in the Upstream Documents of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 MA in Sociology,Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran


Extended Abstract
Cultural policy in the multicultural society of Iran has become the most important challenge and problem of governments since the modern era and in the period of the Islamic republic of iran. In the current research, rather than asking the why of this cultural order, how to establish this order is questioned; the  main issue is to determine the position of ethnic and religious diversity in this cultural order and the consequences of this discourse formulation for cultural pluralism in post-revolutionary Iran and through the upstream documents, one can understand the challenges and gaps and identity inconsistencies. The current research has chosen its main problem from one of the main challenges of modernity and the postmodern era, which is the possibility of government intervention and planning in the field of culture. The fundamental assumption is based on the principle that the category of planning and cultural policy is theoretically problematic and discursive, and practically contains many complications and contradictions that require theoretical exploration.
In this research, the discourse analysis of Laclau and Mouffe has been used to understand the way of constructing ethnic and religious diversity in the cultural policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The purpose of this research is to analyze the existing cultural order and discourse within the framework of the cultural policy of the Islamic Republic. The studied field is upstream documents. in this regard, we analyzed the discourse of the Constitution, the general principles of the country's cultural policy, the document on the fundamental transformation of education, the cultural engineering map of the country, and the charter of citizen rights. The discourse theory of  Laclau and Mouffe has been the guide of the analysis in this research in the theoretical and in the methodological part. according to Mouffe, any order is political and is based on a form of exclusion and there are always other possibilities that have been suppressed and can be reactivated. Discourse analysis analyzes and interprets text or writing or speech through a set of tools. In this research, the upstream documents related to the cultural policy have been examined as the research field and research texts.
In the articulation of cultural policy in upstream documents, elements of the identity and culture of ethnic and religious diversity have been linked together around the nodal point that cultural differences have been ignored and more emphasis has been placed on common elements of cultures and different cultural elements have been rejected and marginalized. In upstream documents, the nodal point, the Islamic-Iranian identity, has been a prominent and privileged sign, and the ethnic and religious identities have been ordered and articulated under the shadow of these signs. In upstream documents, the political, social and cultural issues of the ethnic and religious identities have been placed in the field of discursivity in order to stop the flow of differences and build ethnic and religious diversity as a homogeneous whole and aligned with the Islamic-Iranian identity, and finally build a center that is the Islamic-Iranian identity to achieve the meaning of the Islamic Republic.
Research shows that the reality of ethnic and linguistic diversity in Iran is less denied as a reality; However, the identity coordinates of different ethnicities and nationalities are reduced to an anthropological issue to the extent of differences in the style of clothing, music, rituals and ritual poems, or ethnic conflicts and the identity of ethnicities and religions as an economic issue and the consequence of the backwardness of ethnic areas is analyzed and explained, and the reality of ethnic  and religious identities as independent identities that have identity demands is not accepted. In Iran's multicultural society, only through a pluralist system can the dangers of a monocultural political system be avoided; A kind of cultural order that allows the acceptance of multiple rationalities and competing and multiple hegemonic projects to survive.
The concept of political sovereignty implied in the upstream documents indicates a tendency toward centralization; in fact, the implication within the framework of the discourse of state cultural policy, drawing upon the central signifier of Iranian-Islamic identity, has given the floating signifier of political sovereignty a meaning that connotes centralization and political and cultural authority, which is associated with the signifier of cultural and social engineering. This interpretation has influenced the moralization of ethnic and religious conflicts and the construction of the discourse of "acceptance while reducing and suspending ethnic and religious differences" in Iran. What is absent in state cultural policy is an agonistic approach. For this reason, we are witnessing various forms of antagonism in Iranian society that challenge the dominant cultural order. Therefore, in the diverse society of Iran, fostering a multicultural order can prevent the risks of a monocultural political order; an order that allows for the coexistence of multiple rationalities and competing hegemonic projects.


Main Subjects

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