Effect of Economic Globalization on America's Strategy for Efficiency of Sanctions against Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Lorestan University


Threat to use military force against Iran has been repeated by US. These threats have been along with increasing sanctions and embargo against Iran. The question we address in this paper is: what is the impact of on military threats against Iran on effectiveness of sanctions and embargo against it? we will examine this hypothesis: in situation of global economy, Transforming of military option from an alternative for sanctions and embargo to a supplement to their, is most efficient strategy for US to Increase efficiency of sanctions and embargoes against Iran. Threat to use military force makes this efficacy through change in cost - benefit analysis of Iran or its business partners. However, usage of military prestige strategy by Iran has made the US strategy inefficient. Given to continuing of political ineffectiveness of sanctions and increasing military threats, the military prestige strategy should be axis of Iran policy against Sanctions.


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