Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor; Political Science Department, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD; Political Science; Political Science Department, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In the conditions that the evolution and fluctuations in idealism and pragmatism transition has made it difficult to achieve the cognitive patterns of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, we are inevitably forced to recognize the effective factors and the relationships between them in analyzing foreign policy. For this purpose, the present study using Structural Analysis and Technique of Interaction Impact Analysis tries to answer this question: what is the relationship pattern of key factors affecting foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran? In the course of answering the question, thirty six key factors influencing foreign policy were identified. After creating a matrix and ranking of the interactions of the factors on each other, these factors based on the degree of effectiveness and affectedness, were distributed into five categories of explanatory, intermediate, result, regulator and independent variables. The distribution of these factors in an effectiveness and affectedness chart indicates the instability of the foreign policy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The analysis of the pattern obtained from the Micmac software output represented that the interaction of the level of analysis in assessing actors in the external environment can result in a security dilemma. In the domestic environment as well, differences in the governance paradigm can undermine positions and decisions in the foreign policy arena.


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