Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor; Political Science Department, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 MA ; Political Science Department, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Nietzsche - the antecedent of critical philosophy - in his work, "on the genealogy of morality" said the main problem of life for mankind, isn't suffering but that's the meaning of his pains. So, if we consider this frequent struggle to "find meaning" beyond ideologies and normative regimes of truth as a center of critical philosophy discourse, then, we will find that the critical philosophy has firm linkage with the resuscitation of "Truth". This is also true in world that truth in one hand is victim of the wake of values such as utility and fun, and one the other hand it has become a victim of violence and fundamentalism. It is clear that in this battle for truth, the thing that is important isn't only founding of a "ontology of truth", but drawing a "figure" that this theory of truth bring to human relationships. This is a "figure" that is revealed more than anything anywhere, in the form of politics. In this paper, we follow theoretical philosopher’s critical efforts to rebuild the relationship between a "truth" in politics, through the theory of Giorgio Agamben, contemporary critical philosopher; where Agamben is trying to get - through the anthropology and the theory of truth - apparatus or the form for human relationships, that people aspire to truth lay in the creative and free from domination acts.


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    ب) خارجی

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