Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor; Political Geography Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD; International Relations, Guest Researcher in Scientific Research and Middle East Strategic Studies Center


The geography of oil and gas in the twentieth century can highly affect arrival, influence and role of trans-regional powers in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf. The Persian Gulf oil and gas resources were discovered before the First World War and postwar devastation caused by a major role in the restoration. It seems that many of the great powers in the Persian Gulf region has been affected by the existence of rich and inexpensive source of energy. The fundamental purpose of this study is to evaluate and exploit its shale oil and gas reserves in America, Canada and Europe and the impact that this new political behavior of America's European and other powerful actors can stabilize energy security in the first half of the century. The main feature of the huge resources of oil and gas is from shale strategic shift of America from the Persian Gulf to Asia - Pacific in competition and cooperation with three major regional powers of China, India and Japan and greater engagement with ASEAN and Australia. Asia - Pacific in the twenty-first century is cradle of the concentration of capital, technology and huge market consumption of goods and services.


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