Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor; Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student; Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Instrumental Rationality has vastly dominated the modern era along with different aspects of human life. Governance is no exception from this trend as we can see the deep impact of bureaucracy on political agendas. Through extensive research on historical and philosophical foundations of the modern governance while prescribing the democratic variant, Weber sought to restore political governance to the very people of Germany. He had a firm belief that the bureaucratic influence on political agendas can be substantially reformed by a democratically elected politician entrusted with professional ethics that are required for the realization of the nation’s right to self-determination. This paper aims to emphasize on the relation between the political models and the historical indications which is an integral component for the reformation of a modern government devoid of limitations posed by bureaucratic systems. Based on the rationale derived from this study and by envisaging a Weberian approach, it can be concluded that a coherent model of democratic government based on historical indications is utterly attainable.


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