Document Type : Research Paper


PhD; Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The resurrection of neo-retributivism in the American criminal justice system, with its ideology of proportional punishments, a harsh justice system, and maintenance of social ethics, in the last decades of the 20th century, is a subject that requires more explanation. Some thinkers attribute this phenomenon to basic changes in legal theories or cultural and social structures. But there have been few studies about the nature of political changes which can be operative in this new criminal policy trend. In this study, therefore, we try to clarify new inclinations in political philosophy that have been effective in the resurrection of this new criminal policy. Therefore, it can be concluded that changes in the structure of liberalism, which have led to the rise of neo-liberalism, can well explain much more about the rise of the policies of neo-retributivism during last decades of twentieth century. 


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