Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor; Department of Regional Studies and International Relations, School of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the I.R. of Iran


Attaining consistency and coordination between morality and politics is a vital necessity for achieving a moral-oriented political structure and statesmanship. Therefore, three schools of virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics are evaluated in order that their capacities and deficiencies are explained and revealed. For this purpose, we have used the methodology of conceptual analysis and critical evaluation within analytic philosophy. The outcome of this study suggests that merely one of the triple moral schools cannot be sufficient to provide consistency between morality and politics. Therefore, my proposed solution is to take some propositions from utilitarianism and deontological ethics together with Golden Rule to exploit the potential of these two schools of thought on the one hand, and to make divergence in the contradiction and inconsistency in moral politics on the other. The point of departure for this compilation is a political morality which enjoys theoretical theme, and the applied capacity in the realm of politics.


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