تبیین ژئواستراتژیکی ظرفیت های روابط همسایگی ایران با جمهوری آذربایجان

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


دانشیار، جغرافیای سیاسی، گروه پژوهشی مطالعات جغرافیای کاربردی، دانشکده علوم انسانی، دانشگاه مراغه، آذربایجان شرقی، ایران.


ژئواستراتژی نوعی سیاست خارجی است که عمدتاً توسط عوامل جغرافیایی هدایت می‌شود. برخلاف ژئوپلیتیک که وضعیت موجود را براساس عوامل جغرافیایی مورد تبیین قرار می‌دهد، ژئواستراتژی براساس ویژگی‌های جغرافیایی که می‌توان از آنها به‌عنوان تعلقات و وابستگی‌های فضایی بحث کرد، در تعریف و هدایت استراتژی کلان کشور در سیاست خارجی، جهان­بینی جامع و دقیق­تری برای پیشبرد اهداف کشور در مناطق در مناطق مختلف و دستیابی به موقعیت برتر و یا موقعیت برد-برد در برابر رقبای دیگر ارائه می‌دهد. هدف ژئواستراتژی، رسیدن به بالاترین و پایدارترین سطح از منافع ملی در ابعاد مختلف است. در چارچوب این دیدگاه، نتایج این پژوهش توصیفی-تحلیلی از یک سو نشان می‌دهد کشور آذربایجان در ابعاد مختلفی فرصت‌های ژئواستراتژیکی گسترده برای نفوذ و نقش‌آفرینی قدرتمند ایران در قفقاز جنوبی و نیز فراتر از آن به ارمغان می‌آورد که چنین فرصت‌هایی را از بُعد تنوع و عمق آنها حتی به‌سختی می‌توان در بین سایر همسایگان ایران مشاهده کرد. از سوی دیگر، به‌سبب تأثیرگذاری عوامل سیاسی و ژئوپلیتیکی، برخی از فرصت‌های موجود به محدودیت تبدیل می‌شود که می‌توان بازتاب آن را در حضور ضعیف ایران در قفقاز جنوبی مشاهده کرد. بدین‌معنی که ایران به‌رغم فرصت‌های گسترده موجود، نمی‌تواند در سطح ژئواستراتژیکی برای پیشبرد منافع خود از آنها کمک بگیرد. 



عنوان مقاله [English]

A Geostrategic Explanation of Potentials of Neighborly Relationship between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan

نویسنده [English]

  • Ali Valigholizadeh
Associate Professor of Political Geography, University of Maragheh, Iran
چکیده [English]

Extended abstract  
Geostrategy is a type of foreign policy that is mainly driven by geographical factors. Unlike geopolitics, which explains the current situation based on geographical factors, geostrategy is based on geographical features that can be discussed as spatial relationships and dependencies, in defining and guiding the country's foreign policy, a more comprehensive and accurate worldview to advance the country's goals in different regions and achieve a superior position or win-win situation against other competitors. The goal of geostrategy is to reach the highest and most stable level of national interests in the opposite dimensions. In the framework of this perspective, the main question of the research is, from a geostrategic point of view, what capacities are there in Iran's neighborhood relations with Azerbaijan to advance a successful strategy for Iran against other competitors? It is assumed that in order to gain the real position of its neighbor in the region, along with deepening its relations with its other neighbors (especially Armenia), in order to deepen its relations with Azerbaijan, Iran takes advantage of certain geostrategic capacities and relationships, which are discussed in this research.
This article has a qualitative nature and approach and using the descriptive-analytic method expounds the geostrategic opportunities of Azerbaijan in terms of geographical features for Iran's more effective and bolder role in the South Caucasus. Also, this article explains Azerbaijan's geostrategic opportunities for Iran in the South Caucasus. On the one hand, the results of the research show that Azerbaijan, in different dimensions of its geographic scope and topography, demographic characteristics and cultural commonalities, historical commonalities and the size of the economic market, has brought wide geostrategic opportunities for the influence and powerful role of Iran in the region and beyond. On the other hand, the research results point to Iran's most bitter experience in the region. This means that despite the available opportunities, Iran cannot use them for various reasons and somehow leaves the field for the powerful influence of its competitors.
According to the results of this research, Azerbaijan can be considered as the most geographical and economic gateway and trade-communication bottleneck of Iran with the South Caucasus and various surrounding markets. However, this does not mean negating the geostrategic importance of Armenia's communication geography, especially from the point of view of competing with Iran's rivals. As Azerbaijan and Turkey strive to diversify their communication corridors, Iran's economic and commercial interests in the region require to pursue both paths. However, without changing the situation in Azerbaijan-Armenia relations, we cannot hope much about the effectiveness of the Armenian path. However, as the past experience of Iran's political-economic relations with Azerbaijan shows, Iran should not waste more this opportunity.
One of the biggest problems that the relations of the parties suffer from is the lack of mutual trust. In this context, considering that Azerbaijan is a smaller power and Iran is considered a dominant and larger power, building trust and trying to attract Azerbaijan should be prioritized by Iran. Otherwise, as in the current situation, Azerbaijan will move more and more towards rival countries and enemies of Iran (such as Israel) (a trend that has recently been observed by Armenia), which adds to the complexity of the situation. When Iran cannot (due to geopolitical and ideological considerations) fill the vacuum of power and influence in its neighborhood with all its geo-strategic relations and in a special position from Azerbaijan's neighborhood, rival countries and especially the enemy will make the most of such an opportunity to achieve their goals. They will win their strategy. In general, according to the results of this research, with a geostrategic turn in foreign policy, it is possible to largely build mutual trust in the relations of the parties, as well as overcome political, geopolitical, ideological concerns, and in this situation a major transformation in the influence and role of Iran in South Caucasus and Azerbaijan will be possible.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Iran
  • Republic of Azerbaijan
  • South Caucasus
  • Geostrategy
  • Neighborhood Relationship
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