تحول فرهنگ سیاسی و الگوی مشارکت زنان در جامعه ترکیه (2000-2020)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


دکترای علوم سیاسی، دانشکده حقوق و علوم سیاسی، دانشگاه تهران، تهران، ایران.


جایگاه زنان تقریباً از گذشته دور مورد مناقشه بوده است و حتی امروز هم با وجود پیشرفت‌های چشمگیر حقوق بشری و فرهنگی، در موارد متعددی مشکلات زنان، از مسائل اصلی به‌شمار می‌رود. کشور ترکیه هم در ادوار مختلف دستخوش تغییرات سیاسی- اجتماعی‌ای بوده که در آن مسئله زنان و جایگاه آنان در اجتماع نیز تحت تأثیر این تغییرات بوده و جایگاهشان در جامعه همواره فراز و فرودهایی داشته است. پژوهش حاضر به تحولاتی می‌پردازد که در سمت‌گیری شناختی، عاطفی و ارزشی زنان در تاریخ معاصر ترکیه رخ داده و موجب گذار تدریجی از یک فرهنگ سیاسی محدوداندیشانه و پیرومنشانه به یک فرهنگ سیاسی مشارکت‌جویانه در جامعه کنونی ترکیه شده است. نیل به این هدف به کمک چارچوب نظریه فرهنگ سیاسی آلموند و وربا و روش توصیفی- تحلیلی محقق شده است. به‌نظر می‌رسد با تغییر ترکیب نخبگان قدرت و آغاز فرایندهای نوسازانه در جامعه ترکیه از دهه 1930 و به‌ویژه سال‌های 1980 به بعد، به‌تدریج سمت‌گیری‌های شناختی، عاطفی و ارزشیابانه نسبت به جامعه زنان تغییر کرد و راه برای مشارکت بیشتر زنان در امور عمومی و تخصصی گشوده شد. با وجود این، ترکیه از نظر اجرای تعهدات ملی و بین‌المللی خود در زمینه برابری جنسیتی در سیاست، همچنان با چالش‌هایی مهم روبه‌روست و خشونت مبتنی بر جنسیت نیز یک نگرانی اساسی است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The Evolution of Political Culture and Women's Participation in Turkish Society (2000-2020)

نویسنده [English]

  • Emin Gokalp
PhD, Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

Extended abstract  
The role and position of women has been a contested issue throughout history in nearly all human civilizations, and even today, despite significant advancements in human rights and cultural progress, women's issues remain central in many areas. Turkey, like other countries, has experienced various socio-political changes, during which women's roles and their position in society have been influenced, leading to fluctuations in their societal position.
Theoretical framework and methodology
This article, utilizing Almond and Verba's theory from The Civic Culture (1963), examines the changes in the cognitive, emotional, and evaluative orientations of women in contemporary Turkish history. These transformations have led to a gradual transition from a parochial political culture to a participatory one in modern Turkish society. The research employs the theoretical framework of political culture by Almond and Verba and an analytic-descriptive method to achieve this objective.
It appears that with the changing structure of power elites and the onset of modernization processes in Turkish society from the 1930s and 1950s, the cognitive, emotional, and evaluative orientations of the society, particularly the middle class, towards women has shifted gradually, paving the way for greater female participation in public affairs such as politics, law, education, and the economy.
 Although the initial changes emerged following the declaration of the republic in the form of legal and constitutional reforms, globalization of human development without gender discrimination (from the 1980s onwards) and the Eurocentric modernization of the Turkish state further facilitated the improvement of women’s status and participation in society. Over the past few decades, despite structural and agent-based obstacles, Turkish women have experienced notable growth, especially in political campaigns and elections, compared to other Islamic societies. However, Turkish women continue to face significant challenges in candidacy and holding major political offices, indicating that women's participation in politics has not reached a strategic level. Furthermore, Turkey still faces considerable challenges in fulfilling its national and international commitments to gender equality in politics, with gender-based violence remaining a critical concern. Since 2001, with the strengthening of Turkey’s EU membership process and adherence to Copenhagen criteria, numerous civil laws have been proposed and passed to consolidate the family structure, ensure gender equality in accessing political and social opportunities, and most importantly, impose legal restrictions and criminalize domestic violence against women. These measures have positively impacted the civic, legal, and political status of Turkish women. Based on the latest constitutional amendments in 2021, government centers and foundations are being established to combat violence against women, with the outcomes expected to become evident in the coming years. Nevertheless, for Turkish women to fully enjoy their political rights, political opportunities must be created more equitably, with genuine equality in access to political resources. Considering Turkey’s institutional capacity, civil society, and political party system, it appears that a comprehensive policy can develop equality in family, education, work, commercial life, and all areas of social life and challenge the value judgment that politics is solely a male endeavor. Since a society where women are absent from government administration cannot be considered democratic, Turkish women's full political rights should be ensured, and their effective political participation must be realized.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Women
  • Gender
  • Political Participation
  • Political Culture
  • Elections
  • Turkey
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